“What does red bull taste like” seems like an unnecessary question since red bull almost makes every American fridge its home. This drink seems to have become an important item to help many people replenish energy on busy and tiring days.
However, you may be surprised that there are many editions of red bull which make its flavor profile more complex. If you want to look for detailed explanations about each edition of this drink, this post is here to help you out.

Table of Contents
What Does Red Bull Taste Like?
What does red bull taste like?
Well, basically, the first thing you can feel after a sip is carbonated. And all red bull versions have a sweet flavor with a hint of sourness. In addition, due to containing caffeine, you also can find some note of bitterness at the end of the tasting.
As mentioned above, red bull comes up in many editions with various flavors. So if all you need is the most specific description of each edition flavor, go with me!
Red Bull – The King Of Energy Drinks
Don’t skip out on this pre-main part. I will put some general information about Red Bull here. Let’s read all of them to gain more knowledge on this drink.
1. What Is Red Bull?
Red Bull is known as a famous carbonated drink that is sold all over the world. It is owned by Red Bull GmbH – an Austrian company founded in 1987. Red Bull was born due to being inspired by a Thai energy drink – Krating Daeng.
Red Bull’s most famous drink is its series of carbonated energy drinks. They almost dominate the global market because of their refreshing taste, physical and mental boosting effects after drinking.
Red Bull Energy Drinks come up in many kinds of editions, which give the customers more options to choose.
In addition, another series of Red Bull is Red Bull Organic Soda. However, this drink has only been released in the last few years, so they are not as well known as Red Bull Energy Drinks.
So, what is actually inside Red Bull? You can see this video to know more:
2. Fun Facts: What You May Be Curious About Red Bull
This part will talk about some fun facts you might not know about Red Bull. Let’s take a break with this information before going to the main part.
- Dietrich Mateschitz, one of the co-founders of Red Bull used to be a German toothpaste company “Blendax.” In a corporate meeting, he tried Krating Daeng, and started the idea of Red Bull brand building.
- In 2004, Red Bull was banned in France because of health concerns. However, until 2008, the ban was lifted because no potential health effects were found after many tests.
- The various flavor Red Bull is launched to avoid brand-outdated. The Red Bull company needs to continuously improve its products to meet the ever-changing needs and trends of the world market.
- Red Bull used to be taken to court because a customer said that the iconic slogan of Red Bull – “Red Bull gives you wings”, is false since he didn’t get any intellectual or athletic superpowers after drinking Red Bull.
Red Bull: What Does The Most Favored Energy Drink Taste Like?
In this section, I will shortly describe the flavors of each Red Bull edition. And just take a quick look at the overview table below first for more clear insights.
Red Bull Editions | Taste |
Red Bull Energy Drink | Carbonated, typically sweet and sour |
Red Bull Sugar Free | Less sweet and more milder |
Red Bull Zero | Less sweet and more milder |
Red Bull Yellow Edition | Apple, lemon, pineapple and papaya taste-like |
Red Bull Blue Edition | Light sweetness and sourness with a hint of blueberry flavor |
Red Bull Red Edition | Very light and refreshing watermelon flavor |
Red Bull Green Edition | Well-balanced sour flavor between apple and kiwi |
Red Bull Coconut Edition | Coconut flavor with a little fragrant kick from blueberry |
Red Bull Peach Edition | Sweet and sour taste in the mixture of peach and nectarine |
Red Bull Summer Edition | Dragon fruit flavor is dominant |
Red Bull Winter Edition | Dedicated and aromatic pomegranate flavor |
Simply Cola | Sweet, spicy with a little note of earthiness |
Ginger Ale | Intense and spicy ginger flavor but not overpowering |
Bitter Lemon | Sour and sweet with a little bit of bitterness |
Tonic Water | Sour and bitter are the key flavors |
Red Bull Energy Drinks – Give You Body Energy
First, I’ll start with Red Bull’s famous line – Red Bull Energy Drinks. The list below includes 11 versions that are currently available on the market. You may have noticed that a few versions are not mentioned here because they are unavailable now.
1. Red Bull Energy Drink (Original)
Red Bull Energy Drink, or also known as the Original Edition. It is the basic and first invented red bull with typical ingredients, including caffeine, taurine, sugar, and vitamin B.
The Original Red Bull has a signature energy drink taste: carbonated. In addition, the sweet and sour taste of this version is also very well-balanced, giving you a refreshing feeling even from the first taste.
Although it is the oldest child of the Red Bull family, no other edition’s flavor can take its throne.
2. Red Bull Sugar Free
Red Bull Sugar Free is one of the basic editions of Red Bull. It uses aspartame and acesulfame K instead of sugar as sweeteners.
In the Sugar Free version, you can expect a carbohydrate drink without an over-sweet taste from sugar. Instead, it will give you a more subtle sweetness. Hence, go for Red Bull Sugar Free if you don’t want sugar in your drink.
3. Red Bull Zero
Similar to its brother (Sugar Free), Red Bull Zero doesn’t have sugar in its formula. Instead, acesulfame K and sucralose are added to create the sweetness. You can find the light sweetness when tasting, but it is non-caloric.
Moreover, the sour flavor is dominant here too. But it will not bother you so much. A chilled can of Red Bull Zero definitely can make your day!
4. Red Bull Yellow Edition (Tropical)
In this edition, “tropical” flavor is created by artificial flavoring agents.
Red Bull Yellow edition is the perfect combination among the tropical fruits flavors. Some of you may feel it tastes like apple and lemon, but some may believe it has the pineapple flavor with a hint of papaya. Personally, its general taste is absolutely a phenomenon.
Note: You also can choose the Red Bull Yellow Edition Sugar Free if you want a more refreshing sweetness.
5. Red Bull Blue Edition (Blueberry)
The Blue Edition is released with the presence of blueberry flavor.
If you are a blueberry lover, don’t ever skip out on this Blue Edition. Despite using artificial flavor, you will not find it unpleasant when tasting. The blueberry flavor first comes up very mild, then is the sweetness, and the light sourness will be the stop for your tasting journey.
6. Red Bull Red Edition (Watermelon)
The red color of this edition actually comes from the artificial flavoring agent to create the watermelon-like taste.
The Red Edition is my most favorite option excluding the Official one. The watermelon flavor is incredibly refreshing and comfortable. Even the non-energy drink fans will love this version. It almost tastes like fruit juice if the carbonated level doesn’t show its presence.
7. Red Bull Green Edition (Kiwi-Apple)
This Green Edition offers you two favored fruit taste-like, consisting of kiwi and apple.
I absolutely love the balanced harmony of apple and kiwi in this edition. They are gentle and non-conflicting. A cold can of Green Edition is an excellent choice for hot summer afternoons.
8. Red Bull Coconut Edition (Coconut Berry)
This is a perfect combination of the two flavors between a temperate fruit and a tropical fruit – coconut and blueberry.
Tropical fruits have always been the darlings of the beverage industry. And coconut is no exception. With the distinctive coconut flavor and extra addition of berry notes, this edition definitely will become a best-seller item in your family.
Note: Red Bull White Edition Sugar Free is also available.
9. Red Bull Peach Edition (Peach-Nectarine)
Peach Edition, as its name suggests, has the signature taste of peach. Besides, its relative – nectarine artificial flavor is also added.
The delicious sweet and sour taste of this edition will remind you of the peach and nectarine harvest season in July. I love the feeling of sipping a cool can of Peach Edition on rainy days. It’s surprisingly relaxing and comforting.
10. Red Bull Summer Edition (Dragon Fruit)
Dragon fruit – This tropical fruit taste now also appears in the 2021 Summer Edition of Red Bull.
With eye-catching light pink color, Red Bull Summer Edition will bring you a unique and exotic taste. Don’t know dragon fruit? It tastes like a cross between pear and watermelon. On the other hand, the sourness and sweetness are always the bases in this version too.
11. Red Bull Winter Edition (Pomegranate)
The pomegranate is the vedette of this winter edition in 2021. Red Bull Winter Edition with the pomegranate flavor is just a big hit this summer. The delicate, aromatic taste of pomegranate is something you can’t resist.
Compared to the sourness of dragon fruit in the Summer Edition, the sourness in this edition seems to be lighter and more welcomed.
Refresh Your Day With Red Bull Organic Drinks
Many people might not know about the Red Bull Organics Drinks because this series was just released on April 02, 2018. In this launch, Red Bull also offers some kinds of caffeine-free drinks.
If you are going to buy some products of this Red Bull organic line. Reach to this part to get some insights about the taste. It may help you figure out your favorite version.
12. Simply Cola
Simply cola is an organic drink, using a variety of ingredients to achieve a cola-like flavor. It is the only caffeine-contained drink in this line but not an energy drink.
Compared to the regular version of cola you used to drink, Simply Cola has a lighter and paler taste. It is mildly spicy with a hint of earthiness. The syrup flavor is also not too strong. Instead, its complex flavors come from orange juice, lime, and other natural herbs.
Simply Cola? Is it as fascinating as the regular cola? You can see this video to know more:
13. Ginger Ale
Along with Bitter Ale and Tonic Water, Ginger Ale is a caffeine-free soda that has ginger as the main ingredient.
If you don’t like ginger, you will not like Ginger Ale. But if you like ginger? Well, this drink belongs to you. The flavor is strong and spicy but not too sweet. Nevertheless, it will not overwhelm you due to the appearance of lemon and bergamot. It is totally worth a try.
14. Bitter Lemon
This edition makes lemon as the dominant flavor. But lime also joins the production as well.
I bet Red Bull Bitter Lemon will be the ultimate organic soda you will want to have in your fridge. The well-cooperation between the sourness from lime and a little sweetness from the orange is satisfying even if you notice a bit of bitterness after tasting.
This drink is also not too sweet, suitable for those who want a refreshing beverage.
15. Tonic Water
Tonic Water shares some common ingredients with Bitter Lemon, but it is another different version.
In the Tonic Water version, sour and bitter will be the two main flavors. They are much more bitter than Bitter Lemon. But don’t worry. It’s a drink, not a medicine. Therefore, you still can expect a note of sweetness when enjoying.
Furthermore, Tonic Water will be more bubbly than the other three too.
Get to know more about all the currently available editions of Red Bull! You can see this video to know more:
Why Does Red Bull Taste Different Sometimes?
There are three potential factors that may influence the flavor even when you drink the same edition of Red Bull. They consist of temperature, additive ingredients, and caffeine content.
1. The Temperature Can Change Your Red Bull Flavor
Do you know why some beverage brands often include the statement “it tastes better when it’s cold” in their advertisement? Because the temperature changes are the main factor that affects your taste buds.
In other words, the taste of Red Bull does not change, but the temperature makes your taste buds more sensitive.
2. Additive Ingredients Make Your Red Bull Different
If you blend any other ingredients into your Red Bull can, the general taste will obviously be changed as well. For example, when you add sugar to your Red Bull Energy Drink (the original version), your Red Bull will taste more like coffee than an energy drink.
Also, some people use “carbomer” to add to their Red Bull. This substance will make Red Bull have more gas and be stronger than the regular version.
3. Caffeine Content Regulates Your Taste Buds
Most Red Bull drinks contain caffeine in their formula. Caffeine has a very characteristic bitter taste. It will not give off an unpleasant taste in case you consume just a small or moderate amount.
However, if you drink too much, the bitterness from caffeine will change your taste buds because they linger very long in your mouth.
Store Red Bull: What You Might Have Missed
Many people don’t care so much about storing canned drinks properly. They just simply throw both of the opened and unopened Red Bull in the fridge and grab some when they want to drink. But it is a fact that there are more things that you need to notice.
1. A Dark And Cool Places Is The Best
The best place to store your unopened Red Bull is a dark and cool place. You can keep them in the cabinet or the refrigerator. Remember not to place them near your stove as frequent exposure to high temperature will deteriorate the gas inside of your Red Bull.
In addition, you should not expose them to direct sunlight, leave them in the car trunks, or places with excessive humidity.
2. Discard Your Opened Red Bull Within 7 Days
With unopened Red Bull, if you drink directly from the can, remember to consume it within 24 hours. In case you pour your Red Bull into a glass and store it in the fridge, you should not leave them for over three days.
And you can consume your ice-mixing Red Bull in the fridge for a maximum of one week before discarding.
3. Don’t Store Your Red Bull In The Freezer
The freezer is not the ideal place to store energy drinks or sodas, including Red Bull. Since it contains citric acid, if you freeze it, the color of the water will become cloudy after being defrosted. Another reason, Red Bull can also be broken or exploded in your freezer.
However, it is okay if you only need to chill them quickly in the freezer.
Is Red Bull Good To Drink?
You wondering whether drinking Red Bull is good?
Well, the answer is yes and no.
As you know, caffeine and sugar are two prominent ingredients of Red Bull. On the good side, the caffeine in Red Bull can help you lose weight, increase attention, alertness, improve physical performance, and enhance brain function (1).
In terms of sugar, it will give your body the energy to stay healthy and help to reduce your stress.(2)
However, if you drink too much Red Bull, the caffeine and sugar overload will lead to some diseases such as blood sugar, insomnia, depression, headaches, diabetes, and weight gain (1), (3)
Red Bull Energy Drink Nutrition Facts
I know some of you will want to know the nutrients contained in Red Bull. Because of the various editions, here I only provide you the nutrients of the Red Bull Energy Drink (the original edition), which is cited from USDA FoodData Result.(4)
Nutrients | Amounts |
Energy | 45 kcal |
Protein | 0.28 g |
Lipid | 0 g |
Carbohydrate | 11.27 g |
Sugar | 10.7 g |
Sodium | 28 mg |
Vitamin C | 0.3 mg |
Niacin | 7.887 g |
Pantothenic acid | 1.972 mg |
Vitamin B6 | 2.028 mg |
Vitamin B12 | 2.03 mcg |
Recipes With Red Bull: Take It To The Next Level!
I love to mix my red bull with various ingredients to have more refreshing and divine drinks. And I also would love to share them with you all too!
1. Tropical Red Bull Margaritas
It was a blessing that I grew up in a tropical fruit paradise. And I just have everything this tropical Red Bull margaritas needs! Pineapple, mango, guava,… The flavor is just blooming! Adding a little bit of tequila will even make it better. What are you waiting for? Let’s go!
2. Vitamin C Red Bull Cocktail
Treat your taste buds well. Grab a bottle of vodka in the store, take out some oranges from the fridge, and of course, your favorite red bull too! Then, mix them well with some ice. Vitamin C Red Bull cocktail is an ideal treat on a movie night.
It will be a pity if you miss out on this wonderful drink!
3. Vodka Red Bull
Are you not a fan of fruit juice? No problem. Just remove the orange juice from the recipe and you will have a totally new beverage. Vodka Red Bull makes all senses! Invite some friends over and share with them. Best way to nourish your relationship!
It’s frequently asked question time! I’m sure this section can help you to solve some problems relating to this energy drink. Check them out right now!
Additional Recommendations On Drinking Red Bull
Red Bull is very diverse in flavor because they have many different editions. Each edition will give you a unique experience. But in general, sour, sweet, slightly bitter, and carbonated are the most accurate words to describe the basic taste of Red Bull.
Although Red Bull is considered an energy drink, pay attention to the amount of Red Bull you consume every day for healthy health. Drinking Red Bull will not be harmful to your health as long as you know where the limitation is.
And now, that’s all for today. I hope you can find something helpful. Don’t forget to leave a comment here to share your experiences on tasting Red Bull. I would love to hear about that.
- Hannah Nichols. Caffeine: Benefits, risks, and effects – Medicalnewstoday.com. 2017.
- Sarah Berry. Sugar acts as a stress reliever, study finds – Smh.com.au. 2015.
- Beth Sissons. Does the body need sugar? Role in the body and how much to consume – Medicalnewstoday.com. 2021.
- Red Bull, Energy Drink – FoodData Central Search Results. 2021.